never behind on your personal path…

What calls to your adventurous spirit? Are you being beckoned forward but unsure or afraid of where you might go? Or do you need to rest and reflect?

A few months ago, I was part of a discussion, and one of the participants shared, ” you can never be behind on your path; you are always exactly where you need to be”…

I love how that frames us in the right spot for experiencing what calls to us. Or perhaps less calling, which seems like options are being offered, and more redirection through failure or fear. Let’s be honest. Loss, challenges and fear often ‘call’ us out, creating a sense of despair and increasing stress. Yet, we can reframe that feeling. Think of your path; it might be super rocky or strewn with obstacles; what is the one step forward you can make? Or how can you rest along the way- because, let’s face it, REST and reflection might be what is needed.

My adventurous spirit is resting currently. Since the beginning of the new year, I have been pushing myself, engaging with the world through a different lens, and questioning how I have acquired what I know. I have been shifting paradigms and acknowledging hard truths such as my privilege and unconscious biases. I am resting and reflecting, paused on my path, and that is okay- more than okay! It is necessary.

What is calling you? Where are you on your unique path, forging ahead, planning or resting and reflecting on gathering strength…Regardless, know you are perfectly positioned; you are where you need to be.